An alternative solution to credit and debt counseling, which could suit a number of people with higher levels of debt, is the low interest debt consolidation loan. Often, having a number of different financial commitments such as credit cards, store cards, loans, catalogues, and other types of credit can become very difficult to manage. Not only could you find yourself spending a fortune on making interest payments each month, with each of the creditors taking a chunk of your repayment by way of interest, but you could also find that trying to juggle a variety of repayments could become very confusing, thus increasing the chances of missed or late repayments, which could affect your credit rating.
In addition to this, you may find that the total monthly commitment from all the different repayments you have to make to the various creditors could really mount up, leaving you with little to nothing in the way of disposable income once you have made your repayments. By taking out a competitive debt consolidation loan you can wrap up all of your higher interest debts, and you can benefit in the following ways:
Reducing the amount of interest that you repay on your debts each month
Reducing your overall monthly outgoings through dramatically cutting the monthly repayments on your debts
Having fewer debts to manage, thus making it easier to budget
Having more disposable income each month for emergencies, day to day living, or even for occasional luxuries
Enjoying a choice of secured and unsecured loans, with competitive rates available, a variety of repayments terms, and a choice of lenders
Different consolidation loans available in the market
There are two main types of debt consolidation loan available from a range of lenders these days, and this is the secured and the unsecured debt consolidation loan. Your own circumstances will determine which of these is the most suitable, and you can find some very competitive lower interest rates available with both types.
With one of these debt consolidation loans you can look forward to paying off all of your smaller debts, and having just one repayment and one lost of interest to deal with. You could find that the repayment that you make on your consolidation loan is far lower than the collective amount that you currently pay on each of your smaller debts, which means that you can enjoy more disposable income each month as well as easier budgeting.
Secured debt consolidation loans are designed for those with an asset against which the loan can be secured, which is normally the home. Most lenders will base your eligibility and borrowing power on the equity in your home, which means that market value of your home minus any mortgage or other loans still secured on it. There are many benefits to taking out a secured loan, but there are also risks and restrictions that you should look out for.
The benefits of a secured loan include:
The ability to borrow larger sums of money based upon the equity in your home
Being able to unlock the equity tied up in your property in order to raise capital without having to actually sell your property
Enjoying very competitive interest rates from a choice of lenders
Being able to spread repayments over a longer period, which means lower monthly repayments
Because these loans are secured those with a poor credit history and rating can enjoy a better chance of being offered finance at a competitive rate, although the rate is likely to be higher than it would be for someone with good credit
Some of the areas to look out for and bear in mind
Your home could be at risk if you do not keep up with repayments on your secured consolidation loan, so do make sure that you can comfortably afford the repayment before you commit to this type of finance
Some secured loans have a range of restrictions and penalties, such as early repayment penalties. You should make sure that you read the small print and fully understand the terms and conditions
During the earlier years of the loan you could be covering mainly low interest repayments rather than paying off the principal balance
In order to enjoy lower monthly repayments you may have to spread repayments over a very long term, which means that you will be in debt for longer
Unsecured debt consolidation loans are not secured against any asset, and these are therefore ideal for those that do not own their own home, or do not wish to put their home at risk. You will find a wide range of traditional banks and specialist lenders that offer this type of loan, and by comparing the deals on offer you can enjoy competitive interest rates and a choice of repayment periods that could cut the amount that you have to repay each month.
Your borrowing ability will be based upon your financial status and credit history, and in most cases unsecured loans are available to those with a good credit history and rating. As with unsecured debt consolidation loans, there are a number of benefit as well as areas to look out for when it comes to unsecured loans.
Some of the benefits of unsecured debt consolidation loans
You do not need any asset, such as owning your own home, in order to take out an unsecured debt consolidation loan
These loans are generally faster to process than secured loans, as there is less paperwork and administration involved, which means that you can sort out your finances more quickly
The repayment terms on unsecured loans are usually much shorter than on secured loans, which means that you will pay off your debt more quickly
You will often enjoy a fixed interest rate throughout the term of an unsecured debt consolidation loan, so you won’t have to worry about rising repayments and you can budget more easily
If you do own your own property you won’t have to put it at risk when you take out this type of loan, even if you do fall behind with repayments
Some of the things to bear in mind and look out for with unsecured debt consolidation loans include:
Shorter repayment periods mean that your monthly repayments will usually be far higher than with an unsecured loan, although it could still work out cheaper than paying all of your smaller debts separately
Interest rates may be higher than with secured loans because the loan is based on trust rather than secured against an asset, which means that it is a higher risk investment for the lender
Unsecured loans are usually very difficult to obtain if you have a poor credit history or rating
Some unsecured debt consolidation loans come with a range of penalties and restrictions, so you should always check the small print before you make any commitment.
The right loan with the right low interest for your debt consolidation
Both secured and unsecured loans for consolidating credit card debt could help to ease the financial burden of high debt levels providing you take the time to find the right loan for your needs. It is important to compare the different loans on offer in each of these loan categories in order to find the best one.
This can be done with ease and convenience online, and you can look at areas such as the repayment terms and periods, the monthly low repayment figure, and the interest rates charged in order to find the most affordable loan for you. It is also possible to make your application online for both secured and unsecured debt consolidation loans, and in many cases you will receive an instant decision in principle, which can save you time and hassle.
However, before you make any commitment it is important that you are confident you can afford the monthly repayments – particularly with secured loans where your home could be at risk if you are not able to keep up with repayments. You should also check the small print with both types of loan to make sure that you won’t be affected by any penalties that may be in place.
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